How many of us look in the mirror and are disappointed, or even depressed, by what we see? Often, the imperfections that blight us are fairly minor – things like fine lines, the brown spots caused by ageing, or acne scars – but that makes them no easier to live with.
Fortunately, we no longer have to, thanks to the revolutionary Fraxel Laser. This is a highly safe, non-surgical device which targets specific areas of the skin with laser light, delivering microscopic bursts of energy to burn away imperfections. As it is so precise, healthy skin is left untouched, and the body’s natural healing process can quickly get under way to mend the damaged areas.
Fraxel Laser has been approved for cosmetic treatments since 2003 and has been used to treat thousands of patients, reducing or eliminating scars, stretch marks, brown spots and lines and wrinkles. The Aesthetic Beauty Centre, which has branches in Sunderland and Newcastle, is proud to have been the first clinic in the UK to offer Fraxel, and since introducing it in 2004, we have built up a wealth of expertise on the procedure.
Clients, many of whom come for Fraxel Laser treatment from all parts of Durham, Sunderland, Newcastle and throughout the North East, receive a full consultation, in which the process and its effects are explained in depth. They usually attend four to eight sessions over two to four weeks, and are able to resume normal activities within 24 to 48 hours.

Fraxel Laser produces a feeling of mild sunburn for about an hour, but there should be virtually no discomfort after that. For a few days following treatment, the skin looks slightly pink, but this is a positive sign that it is healing. Make up can be applied and shaving resumed within a short period.
As with many of our cosmetic procedures, Fraxel can work on different levels, depending on the client. For some, it provides a new lease of life, freshening up ageing or sun damaged skin; for others – perhaps with acne scars they have lived with for years – it restores confidence they thought was lost forever.
We are always careful to manage expectations, explaining that while many imperfections can be improved using Fraxel Laser, not all can be eradicated. This helps to ensure that the client is entirely satisfied with the results and that they leave the clinic happy – an outcome we constantly strive for.
If you would like to find out more about our Fraxel Laser treatment in Newcastle and Sunderland, please contact us.