Pigment Abnormalities
Pigment Abnormalities
Pigment Abnormalities

Defy Discoloration, Embrace Your True Glow
In our quest to look and feel our best, we sometimes encounter the spectre of pigmentation disorders. With the increasing awareness of the hazards of certain herbal skincare products and photosensitising agents, there’s no need to endure the burden of abnormal pigmentation any longer, be it small patches or an entire canvas.
Patients today are more informed about the potential risks associated with some skincare products and agents that can trigger abnormal pigmentation. The good news is that we no longer have to tolerate these pigmentation disorders that can affect our skin’s appearance and our confidence.
Consider the case of a recent patient who experienced abnormal pigmentation on her cheeks during pregnancy. While her imagination and fear took over, this condition was a normal result of hormonal changes during pregnancy. Still, it was distressing, even though it required only sympathetic pigmentation treatment.
More severe pigmentation conditions, such as Vitiligo (loss of melanin pigment), moles, and Melasma, demand an official diagnosis and specialised treatment to address these abnormalities. Fortunately, a range of effective pigmentation treatments is now at your disposal, including Fraxel lasers, Microlaser peels, TCA EasyPeel, Photorejuvenation, Re-Cell, and Morpheus8 and Accupulse.

Book your consultation at Aesthetic Beauty Centre today.
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– Claire’s Testimonial
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