Skin Resurfacing

Skin Resurfacing

Skin Resurfacing

Reveal Your True Radiance

Your skin, the body’s largest organ, is your constant companion in the journey of life. Exposed to the elements, it tells the story of your experiences. Over time, the outer layers of your skin bear the marks of ageing, injury, sun exposure, and environmental factors. Wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and pigment abnormalities are the signs of this journey. But you have the power to transform your skin and reveal its natural beauty.

Unlike internal organs like the heart or lungs, your skin is always on display, facing the world. As the years pass, it accumulates the effects of time, becoming a canvas of stories and experiences. From the youthful radiance of your early days to the challenges posed by ageing, injury, and environmental factors, your skin is a testament to your journey.

Skin resurfacing, where science and art converge to restore your skin’s youthful glow. These treatments remove the most damaged outer layers of skin, unveiling fresh, new skin beneath. They encourage healthy cell regrowth, revitalising your complexion and changing the texture and appearance of your skin.

Discover the techniques available for skin resurfacing, each with its unique benefits and results. Your journey to rejuvenated skin begins with a consultation with our experienced doctors and practitioners. Together, we’ll tailor a plan based on your skin type, condition, and desired outcomes.

Explore our skin resurfacing techniques:

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a rejuvenating treatment that employs an acid solution to gently remove damaged outer layers of your skin. These peels come in various types, utilising different chemicals and fruit acids to achieve specific outcomes. They can be categorised into three main types: Light, Medium depth, and Deep, depending on the strength of the chemical used and its depth of penetration. It’s important to debunk the misconception that chemical peels must be aggressive; they can be tailored to provide gentle and effective results.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing harnesses the power of concentrated beams of light energy to enhance skin tone, texture, and overall appearance. This versatile technique addresses a range of concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, brown spots, acne and surgical scars, redness or discolouration, and even unwanted facial or body hair. What sets laser treatments apart is their precision, allowing medical professionals to target specific flaws and imperfections with exceptional accuracy.

There are two primary options for laser resurfacing, each tailored to an individual’s pain tolerance, treatment depth, and area:


Microdermabrasion is a highly popular superficial exfoliation therapy, particularly suitable for newcomers to the world of aesthetics. It’s a non-surgical, safe, and effective treatment that helps address concerns like large pores, blackheads, and minor pigment irregularities. During microdermabrasion, a mechanical exfoliation technique employs fine particles of aluminium oxide to remove the outer layer of dead skin cells. This process stimulates the production of new collagen and cells in the deeper skin layers. Sometimes referred to as ‘sandblasting,’ microdermabrasion can be used on various body areas. Treatment plans for microdermabrasion are similar to those for mild chemical peels, making it an excellent choice for patients with naturally darker complexions.


Dermabrasion is a more potent mechanical resurfacing technique compared to microdermabrasion. It’s an invasive surgical procedure typically performed in a controlled environment with local anaesthesia or sedation. Dermabrasion is recommended for addressing deeper acne scars, traumatic scars, and occasional tattoo removal. During dermabrasion, a rapidly rotating instrument precisely removes skin layer by layer until the desired depth is achieved. Due to its deeper penetration into the skin’s surface, dermabrasion may lead to hypo-pigmentation, post-inflammatory skin pigmentation, and additional scarring, which is why it’s not recommended for individuals with darker skin tones.


Microneedling, also known as skin needling or collagen-induced therapy, offers an alternative approach to skin rejuvenation. Instead of removing skin layers with heat or chemicals, this procedure employs a device equipped with tiny, shallow needles to create minuscule, controlled injuries on the skin’s surface. These injuries trigger the body’s natural healing response, stimulating the production of new collagen and elastin in the dermis. Although not visible to the naked eye, these changes lead to smoother, clearer skin over time, making microneedling effective for reducing skin imperfections, acne scars, signs of ageing, and stretch marks.

IPL Photorejuvenation

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photorejuvenation is a non-invasive treatment that utilises light to address various skin concerns. Unlike ablative treatments, it doesn’t remove skin layers but rather applies intense light in gentle pulses over the treatment area. This light penetrates the skin without causing damage and is absorbed by abnormally dilated blood vessels or pigmentation concerns. The heat generated during the process initiates a controlled healing response, effectively erasing skin damage without disrupting the skin’s surface.

IPL treats a wide range of facial concerns safely and effectively, including broken capillaries, skin discolouration, age spots, freckles, and uneven pigmentation. It also reduces flushing or redness associated with Rosacea, diminishes brown spots, and smoothens textured skin. IPL utilises a broad spectrum of light wavelengths delivered in gentle pulses, making it a preferred choice for those seeking treatment without the downtime associated with laser resurfacing.

Qualified doctors and nurses will thoroughly discuss the procedure, potential side effects, and expected results with patients before treatment, ensuring a tailored approach to their skincare needs.

Book your consultation with Aesthetic Beauty Centre today.​

