Vitiligo Treatment

Vitiligo Treatment

Vitiligo Treatment

Vitiligo is a condition that can cause significant embarrassment and depression in those who suffer from it. In the UK alone, an estimated one in every 100 people has Vitiligo. This condition is characterised by white spots that slowly change in size and shape over time, often appearing on the face, neck, scalp, mouth, and in some cases, even the genitals. In extreme cases of universal Vitiligo, depigmentation can cover almost the entire body due to the loss of pigment-forming cells known as melanocytes.

Living with Vitiligo can be challenging, as sufferers often have a constant fear of new spots developing. Many individuals with Vitiligo experience additional stress in their relationships and workplaces. While in some cases, Vitiligo may go away without treatment, it is often a chronic condition. By the time many patients seek treatment, their social lives have already been affected, and they may have developed a deep sense of inferiority.

At our clinic, we offer two Vitiligo treatments that can help combat this condition and improve the quality of life for those affected. ReCell reintroduces skin colour (pigment) to areas of skin that are whiter than the surrounding skin, while BClear combines highly effective UVB light therapy with the latest advances in fibre-optic delivered light technology.

Book your consultation with Aesthetic Beauty Centre today.​

Frequently Asked Questions

The treatment may consist of multiple treatments, 2 or 3 times per week, given over 2 – 3 months. In some cases, the affected area will clear gradually and in other cases, the affected area may not clear completely.

Clients should protect the area against excessive sun exposure for up to one month after the treatment.

The treated area may heal with changed pigment or colour. This increased or decreased pigmentation of the skin should be protected from the sun until it has faded.

